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Middle School

Middle School is a unique stage of development, and we recognize and celebrate the needs of our young adolescents during these years. Our students need a learning environment that stimulates and challenges cognitive development and curiosity, but one that also supports complex social and emotional growth. Through our curricular and extra-curricular activities, we cultivate in students a strong sense of belonging and a healthy self-esteem, so that they can advocate for themselves and recognize the important contributions they can make in their community. 

Our Middle School faculty are highly experienced in addressing the unique needs of 11–15-year-olds. The desire for more independence, but also the need to belong is an example of one of the contradictory emotions that MS students experience. During this transitional time in their lives, we work to help students understand and manage their emotions and develop essential skills for life. 

A strong partnership with parents is essential in helping our students to navigate the middle school years. Frequent and open communication is critical and our MS teachers welcome ongoing conversations with parents. 

The AST middle school offers a rigorous program appropriate for the age and development of these learners with exposure to a range of academic, physical, and creative activities. Our middle school learning program is based on highly-rated curriculum frameworks: Wit & Wisdom, Eureka Math, and Amplify Science.